My Projects Section..

So this is my projects section where i display all the projects what i have created with the source codes. In every section you can see the index file and the relevant source codes below. I have desgined it in this particular way so it makes it easier for me to store all what i have created with ease.Feel free to surf around and check it out.

Fighting Game using javaScript

This is a Normal Fighting game which i created using javascript by watching @cleverprogrammer on youtube. You can punch your enemy and reduce there health,you can heal yourself,you can simulate the game too and you can reset it.

Instructions :

player one

press "f" to punch and press "v" to heal

player two

press "j" to punch and press "n" to heal

Rock Paper Scissors game.

This is also a game which i built in javascript by learning it from the youtuber @cleverprogrammer. This is a single player game where you are competing with a robot.. you can click the given options to pick your choice and and the computer will decide whether if you won or no. there will be a scoreboard to count the results.. ENJOY.

How to build a tip calculator using JS !!

This is also another project which i built by watching the @cleverprogrammer's youtube videos. this is a a tip calculator which calculates the tip amount for your bills with the option to calculate the tip amount based the number of people you like to share the amount with. ENJOY..

How to randomly generate a dogs picture from a API and malipulate it to the DOM.

In this project what i did was by using an API , i tried to randomly generate a dogs image from the internet and append it to the DOM . This was just a testing which i did to know on how API's worked.

The source code for this project is given below :)

With the Main HTML file , i have pasted the CSS styling code on the "style" tag which is located on the head section and the javaScript code within the "script" tag which is located before the closing body tag.

The code can be selected and copied if you want to try it.

Making a weather app to generate the current weather of all countries.

This is also a project which i built using the tutorials of @cleverprogrammer on youtube in which we built a weather app .. What this app does is that it gets the weather forecast details of all the countries using an Api and then we extract the information from the api and append it to the Interface which we created on the DOM.